Has your garden suffered through the drought?

Has your garden suffered through the drought?

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The answer is probably yes leaving plants wilted, lawns brown, and trees loosing their leaves months before autumn. The ever increasing summer temperatures of 40c due to climate change is something we need to be better prepare for. Prevention is better than cure but there are still things that can be done to begin to revive your garden after a heatwave.

Give your garden time to repair before the autumn and winter set in!


Regularly watering plants deeply will stimulate new growth, encourage more flowers, and help green up your lawn bringing your garden back to life. 

Dusty dirty grass

Removing debris and dust from lawns will clear the way for moisture, sunshine, and new growth. If you have a compost area then the waste can be added and turned into fertile soil to be recycled back onto your flower beds and borders. 

Cut back to encourage new growth

Trim, prune and mow to get your garden to quickly spring back into life. This will not only benefit the flora and fauna but also improve the look of your outdoor space. 


Help boost growth with a quality fertiliser. These are best applied once the new growth has sprung otherwise you'll be scorching the bare earth. It's important to apply fertiliser sparingly followed by watering in well. 

Leaf scorch caused by disease

It's less common but some scorch damage can be due to bacteria and fungal infections. 

Cherry leaf scorch is a fungal infection where the leaves go brown and shrivel. Both sweet and sour cherrys can suffer the disease.  To prevent spread leaves must be disposed of or burnt.

Iris leaf scorch is a bacterial infection and to prevent  spreading dig out and burn or dispose of the rhizomes.

Drought tolerant plants 

There are many plants tolerant of hot and dry summers. Here is a link to a video talking about easy maintenance Drought tolerant plants which can be grown and thrive in UK soil.

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